What does Roger (AKA you!) need to do before retirement?

Retiring Roger

Meet “Retiring Roger”. Now in his sixties, Roger stands at a pivotal moment contemplating retirement. Despite his longing for a substantial holiday with his wife, his demanding schedule makes it challenging to step out of the office, even for a brief respite. With an annual turnover of around $500k and a dedicated team, Roger encountered … Read more

M&A Market Update – Accounting firms

Since our last update the Mergers & Acquisitions market for Accountants around Australia, we have assisted a number of firms in both selling their practice or acquiring/merging with firms that are a natural fit with their existing culture. At the outset, we would like to highlight that the market is buoyant, primarily led by the … Read more

M&A Market Update – Accounting firms

market update

July 22 Its been quite an extraordinary past few years with Accountants as they, by and large, were: The result: M&A related decision-making has been put on hold….until now. Market Update – The short story: Given Accountants are time poor we thought we would give you the short story. On the one hand, Accountants are … Read more

Mastering your Delegation Reservations


Over the next few weeks, we are looking at staff & their impact on you and your practice. In our first part we look at delegation. Delegation is critical to scaling your practice. You, as one person, only have a limited number of hours in the day. The ONLY way to grow beyond your personal … Read more

Why your Website is like Compliance Accounting

sign here

The basic service for almost all Accounting firms is compliance work. Isn’t that how the profession came about: making sure their numbers are right? Compliance is essential, it’s basic, and most Accountants want to offer more than just the basics. Offering additional financial services gives you numerous advantages; more capacity as work is shared across … Read more

Love Your Work

love your work

Merry Christmas from the team at Abacus! We hope you will find some time to relax and recharge over the holiday break. Our festive wish is for you to love your work in 2021! Not currently in love with your business?  We can help you get there. Abacus provides support in three key areas to … Read more

6 Critical Goals for your Accounting Practice in 2021

accounting goals for 2021

Do you love your business? Getting it to a place where you truly love running it might seem impossible, but it’s not. Our mission is to help Practice owners, like yourself, achieve that sweet spot. Our Practice Valuation Reports delve deep into the workings of each unique Accounting business. You’d be amazed at the differences we see … Read more

Email Marketing: Grow your business with current clients

email marketing for accountants

Marketing for Accountants 101 Growing your business doesn’t just mean getting new clients. You can also grow your income by expanding the services you offer current clients and ‘upgrading’ them. Email marketing is an efficient and meaningful way to connect clients with service upgrades. Understand your Services Firstly, It’s a great idea to review how you … Read more

Websites for Accountants: 5 Essential Elements

Essential Elements of Websites for Accountants

Does your website contain these five essential elements? Here are a few key features to keep in mind when creating websites for Accountants. Use this list as a starting point for your next website upgrade. 1. Points of Difference The most important objective of your website is to differentiate you from your competition.  I constantly … Read more

Should I Sell My Accounting Practice? 5 Considerations for Succession Planning versus Sale

Do I Sell My Accounting Practice? 5 Considerations for Succession Planning versus Sale

Unfortunately, many Practice owners leave their exit plans until it is too late to make real ‘plans’. When they keep putting it off, they eventually make a rushed decision to sell, without comparing alternatives. Exiting doesn’t mean ‘Let’s just sell my accounting practice’, there are other options if you plan early enough. While a sale may … Read more

How much should you spend on Marketing?

business book

Often, businesses will look at their competitors in envy, wondering why they are growing so much faster or appearing so much more successful. While this can come down to a number of factors including reputation, clear communication, or leading business practices, one factor that can have a major impact is marketing spend. You’ll never know … Read more

6 Key Points for Tax Planning with Clients


Many clients rely completely on their Accountant to assist them with finances. The most helpful advice will come from knowing the business’ real-time situation and from meaningful discussions with the client on a regular basis. This year it’s more important than ever to talk to your clients about their business situation and help them put … Read more

What Efficient Accountants are Doing Right Now

walking on bridge

At Abacus we understand the demands that Accountants are facing and are always looking at how best to manage these pressures. With client needs at the highest levels for some time, our conversations with Accountants have revealed some great initiatives and inspiration for getting through this challenging season. We understand you have lots of government initiatives that clients need … Read more

You need to update your Shareholders or Partnership Agreement


We met with a client two weeks ago who, late last year, suddenly lost his business partner. It was a sad and unfortunate situation. To make matters more complicated their Shareholders Agreement wasn’t signed. The verbal agreement was long-established and the paperwork had been prepared but they never actually got around to signing it. Now … Read more

Real vs Perceived view of your Practice

websites for accountants

For many Accountants, their primary source of marketing for all clients and potential clients is their website. From your website people get a sense of the type of firm you are and how you compare to others. The problem of relying on nothing but a website becomes twofold when the website its significantly outdated. We … Read more