Real vs Perceived view of your Practice

For many Accountants, their primary source of marketing for all clients and potential clients is their website. From your website people get a sense of the type of firm you are and how you compare to others. The problem of relying on nothing but a website becomes twofold when the website its significantly outdated.

We are currently assisting a number of Accountants in transitioning their image from ‘old school’ accountant to that of a modern and evolving practice. This usually means updating their website to show off the assets of their current (and even future) practice, not the old summary of the business from five years ago when the website was created.

What does your website say about you?

Does it explain how you are different to other Accountants? Do you have industry specialisation? Are you embracing cloud technology with your clients? Are you providing them with more in-depth advice than just the basics?

The benefit of a strong website means that clients can come from everywhere, not just in your neighbourhood or via existing clients. It can also do a lot of the ‘selling’ work for you, warming up cold contacts and building interest. Using high quality, useful information on your site also represents you and your team as experts in your field.

With outdated information representing your business online, you are probably missing out on new client opportunities as each month goes by.

We recommend reviewing your website annually. At minimum, check that your team profile is up-to-date, all forms are working and that there is no incorrect information on the site. Secondly, review your homepage and ask yourself ‘does this effectively describe our practice and processes as they are now?’.

If building a website, ensure your supplier is working with a common and easy to edit content management system (CMS). Recent website platforms are extremely user-friendly and mean you can make basic changes in-house without waiting on, or paying high rates for, simple updates from a developer.

We can help review your website, as well as other areas of your business for opportunities to boost value.

Need a Website Update?

We can help you out at any stage of this process: articulating your value, exploring pricing and packages, upgrading your website messaging, creating quality blog articles and resources, email newsletters or targeting new clients. 

Talk to us today about improving your online presence.