Assisting Your Clients in Times of Need

On Monday I spoke to Joss Milner, one of the founders of Cash Flow Story. Cash Flow Story is an easy and practical tool for helping you & your clients gain an insight into how they can manage their cash flow.

Given what is happening in the world, Cash Flow Story have just released a cash flow stress test, and Joss has kindly offered our clients the opportunity to get three months of full access to their software at no charge!

We believe it’s a valuable tool for engaging with your clients about their cash flow situation and as such we have referred Cash Flow Story to a quite a few Accountants as they expand their service offerings to clients.

One of our longstanding clients made the comment the other day:

“this will be perfect for our business as well as a number of our clients.”

You can use it for as many clients as you like and it takes about 6 minutes to input each years data so not long at all. 

Visit to take up this limited offer. If you don’t have an account, creating one is easy. Once logged in click “Stress Test My Business” and follow the simple instructions.

Thanks to Joss for this offer. We hope it proved helpful to your business.