Independent Analysis

Independent Analysis

Our aim is to listen to you, understand & analyse your practice’s performance compared to your peers.

At Abacus we have a strong track record in consulting to Accounting firms Australia-wide. Clients are impressed with the high quality, industry-specific reports that are designed specifically for their needs.

Our expert team can provide a comprehensive review of your practice, resulting in a professional value report.

Estimation of Value and Value & Attractiveness Reports

The Estimate of Value Report is predominately based on basic financial information from the last three years and benchmarking of where you sit amongst competitors.

The Value & Attractiveness Report covers all financial & non-financial advantages & disadvantages of the practice. It shows the pros & cons of the business as it is now, along with recommendations on how to improve it. It looks at all aspects including strategy, clients, staff, technology, processes, costs and overall operation.

The information in the reports is extensive and designed to get you thinking about the ins and outs of your practice in addition to the insight we are able to provide.


Transitioning the business for growth needs a clear understanding of where the practice is at now.

The recommendations from our analysis are detailed in a report based on our extensive understanding of the industry.

Qualitative Analysis Includes:

  • Values, goals, visions and business structure
  • Employees’ roles and management plan
  • Workflow process that incorporates technology, outsourcing and productivity
  • Range of services for clients
  • Client Management
  • Marketing strategies

Quantitative Analysis Includes:

  • Financial Performance
  • Summary
  • Capital Analysis
  • Revenue & Cost
  • Breakdown
  • Cash Flow Analysis
  • Profit Margin & Breakeven Analysis
  • Financial Trends
  • Practice Valuation

What you might be thinking…

“Knowing what needs to be done is only the beginning, actually taking steps to create a better Practice is the hard part,
I have zero time to do it on my own”

“I hadn’t even thought about my exit, but I know my practice, clients & IP are valuable”

“I just have no time to plan marketing or make changes to our website”

“I lost my key employee last year which means I have no succession plan”

No matter which stage you are at, we can help!